Rodenbach Classic

After a long day, I just want to relax a bit before bedtime with a good book & a drink. The book I’ve been reading is But Will You Love Me, which is an oral history of the 1960’s girl groups. So I opened that book along side the Rodenbach Classic which I discovered about 20 years ago while living in my 3rd apartment, & have been a big fan ever since. For those of you not familiar with this beer, it is a Flemish red-brown ale partially aged in oak casks for about 6 months. It is slightly sweet, sour & fruity with a fair amount of acidity that makes it super drinkable. It is from Belgium & has won a ton of awards. The brewery was founded in 1821 by Alexander, Gregor, Pedro & Amalia. However, Rodenbach owes its unique quality & masterly character to Eugene Rodenbach. He not only studied the vinification of the beer, but also optimized the maturing process in oak foeders. These are large barrels that are at least 3 times the size of a regular oak barrel, but can be up to 300 times the size. These are kept in their world renowned foeder halls, with some being up to 150 years old & are protected as industrial heritage of the Flemish community. This beer is just phenomenal, as it appeals, to acid freaks like me, but also to wine people as well, which is also me. And while it had been a few years since I had one, it tasted just as good as I remembered. This is a must try if you’ve never had a beer like this before as it is a classic & damn delicious.


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